Friday, January 19, 2007

this is so cool...

extra credit if you can name an artist or the title of a work in this video!
but not the mona lisa, that is just too easy....


Kiran said...

van gogh! 'starry night'...and 'self portrait of the artist'? one of them atleast. then...a painting by gauguin...and 'the scream' by munch. do i get extra credit yet?? : )

Anonymous said...

Frida Kahlo!! :D looks like Frida with Diego on her mind? Or is it Stalin? I forget.

I definately clicked "play" on this video and it played some crazy Russian synchronized swimming movie and I watched the entire thing, thinking "WHERE IS THE MONA LISA?" Then I clicked on the movie itself and it started playing the actual video you wanted to show us. Weird. I know. I thought you were like a closeted synchronized swimmer fan for a second. Who knows. ahahhaha

angela said...

you girls rule!
oh, and...
actually, i was on the synchronized swim team in college. and captain of the underwater cheer squad...

Anonymous said...

okay so there is definately a georgia o'keefe in there (i saw two actually) and ANDY WARHOL!
oh..and one more..THE MONA LISA! haha..joke..
anyways, aren't you proud i could recognize at least two? :D

Anonymous said...

Those arent pieces of art they're tootsie pops!!! and there isnt one artist in it. it all looks like gorillas to me. although i could have sworn i saw the guy who sings Mambo No.5

angela said...

anonymous wins the game.