Painting Critique
Answer the following questions about your painting. Times new roman, size 12, double spaced. Use full sentances, proofread, and Ellaborate!, tell me WHY! you have the opinions that you do.
Due: Monday
There are 4 major categories of art criticism; description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. If you discuss a piece of work adressing these four categories and in the general order in which they are presented, you will soon become a professional and eloquent art critic!
Listed below are the questions you should be answering in each category. Keep this page in your sketchbook so that you have this reference to help guide you during all critiques.
Describe exactly what you see:
I (enjoy, dislike, appreciate, etc.) this work because...
Do not use “four letter words” (i.e. like, hate, nice, ugly, etc.)
Describe (what and where) the “elements” (line, shape, color, form, value, space) and subject matter.
Describe how the work is organized as a complete composition:
Where/what is the focal point/point of emphasis, why?
How is the work constructed or planned (i.e., movements, balance, contrast, rhythm, unity, and variety)?
Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of lines, colors, or shapes, and/or how they are varied)
Describe how the work makes you think or feel:
Describe the expressive qualities you find in the work. What expressive language would you use to describe the qualities (i.e., tragic, angry, funny)?
Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?
How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in your other studies?
Present your opinion of the work's success or failure:
What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?
What criteria can you list to help others judge this work?
How original is the work? Why do you feel this work is original or not original?
Some sample sentences....
I would like to speak about the piece by ____.
I am drawn to this piece because (identify the elements of art and why they are interesting to you, or because of a certain technique that is exceptionally successful).
The focal point is (what and where and why).
My eye starts at the focal point and then moves (where and how?). Describe the little adventure your eyes go on throughout the peice.
The piece is (principles of design: balanced, rythmic, has contrast, etc.).
I think this is about ___. It may tell a story, express an emotion, or just be for aesthetic pleasure.
I feel it is successful/a failure because ____.
Your essay should have 3 paragraphs (you can skip interpretation)
1. Describe:
Elements of Art
the building blocks or ingredients of art
a. Line -
b. Color -
c. Value -
d. Texture -
e. Shape/Form -
2. Analyze:
Principles of Design
a. Focal point/emphasis -
b. Variety/Repetition
variety -
repetition -
c. Space -
positive -
negative -
d. Balance -
e. Movement -
f. Harmony/Unity
harmony -
unity -
g. Overall, how do the elements work together to form a successful (or unsuccessful)
design? Why?
3. Interpret:
a. What does this painting mean? What is it about? Why?
4. Evaluate:
a. What techniques worked well and what did not? Why do you feel that way?
b. What is the quality of the craftsmanship? Do you see a lot of effort put into this piece?
c. Overall, is it successful? Why or why not?
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