Monday, November 3, 2008

painting sketchbooks for 2nd marking period

Painting Sketchbooks
Due Dates and Assignments for the 2nd marking period

• Due on the first A Day of each week.
• Each sketch is worth 15 pts, each week’s sketchbook assignment is worth 75 pts.
• Sketchbooks will only be accepted up to 3 days after the due date and will not receive more than 40 pts. All sketchbooks MUST be turned in at the beginning of the period so that they may be returned to you on the same day.
• Label each page of your sketchbook with the following info in the lower right hand corner of each assignment:
Skeetchbook #, Assignment #, Date Completed
example: SB1 #2 11.15.08

Sketchbook #1: Due Nov 19 (last day to turn in for ½ credit: Nov 21)
• 1-4. Go outside and draw from direct observation the same object/composition on 4 different days at 4 different times. Use colored pencil or watercolor to add color to your 4 drawings, which must be on 4 different pages. You will have the same basic drawing on 4 pages of your sketchbook, but using colored pencil, you will let the viewer know what time of day it was by how the shadows fall and how you use the color. (Try drawing at 7am, noon, 5pm, and then 2pm on a cloudy day.)
• Google “monet, haystacks” or “Monet Rouen Cathedral Series” to get an idea of what your drawings should look like. It is all about using color to create the impression of light on a scene. Your drawings must include at least one natural element (ie, a tree) and at least one architectural element (ie. a gazebo).
• Please be creative with your compositions. Take your time, fill up the entire page and show me effort!
• In addition to the above label, please label your drawings with the time of day you completed the drawing.

Sketchbook #2: Due Nov 25 (last day to turn in for ½ credit: Dec 1 )
• 1. A very detailed blind contour self portrait. Use a mirror, do not look at your paper, and do not lift up your pen. Detailed means drawing every line and shape of your face. Take your time and fill up the page.
• 2. Your eye. Use a mirror to focus in on all the details of your eye. Draw just one eye (or you can draw both), but you must fill up the page with your eye(s). Use a pencil to add value and detail to create a realistic looking eye.
• 3. Your nose. Same as above, your nose should fill up the page.
• 4. Your lips. Same as #2. Can be open, closed, making some sort of goofy or dramatic expression
• 5. Research the following terms: chiaroscuro, grisaille, tenebrism, sfumato, & impressionism (try using or
o Include the following information:
• the definition and your source
• name of an artist that used or invented the term/technique
• title and a sketch (thumbnail) of a painting or work of art which exemplifies or illustrates the term/technique

Sketchbook #3: Due Dec 4 (last day to turn in for ½ credit: Dec 8)
• 1. A self portrait by candle light. Turn off all the lights in your room and light one candle. You may include the candle in your drawing, but you do not have to. Using a mirror, draw your self portrait. Fill up the entire page with value and detail. Pay attention to the direction of the light source (the candle) and the shadows that are created. Take your time and pay attention to detail.
• 2. A portrait of a family member. Fill up the page. You may do this in any medium, just pay attention to the light source and details.
• 3. A figure study. Have someone pose for you for 15 minutes. Draw the entire figure (head to toe).
• 4-5. Fill up two pages that face each other with very quick gestural drawings of people in various poses. Each drawing of each individual person should take about 10 seconds. There should be about 10 different poses between your two pages. Drawings may overlap, if they do, use different colors. Google “gesture drawing” or go to to get an idea of what it should look like.

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