Sunday, December 9, 2007

photo assignment - Midterm

Photography Mid Term Exam

1st Period: Jan. 28
5th Period: Jan. 30
9th Period: Feb. 1

1.Texture Final Print Due
2.One Mounted Print Due: Choose your best print for presentation.
3.Midterm Print: Body Language
We are all aware of the effect body language has on each other... through the way we stand, posture, hand gestures, facial expressions, etc...
Shoot a roll of film exploring the expression of various emotions through body language. You are illustrating the human body showing emotion, in any way you can. Every part of the body counts, hands, arms, legs, eyes, etc. It can be abstract, for instance just part of the body, it can also be a complete body. It can also be a person interacting with another... Be creative!!!
Make sure each and every shot is taken at the proper exposure, use lights and/or a tripod if need be. Pay attention to the background... is it relevant, necessary, distracting, etc?
Your print must be composed and printed well and express a strong sense of body language and emotion.
You will be turning in one print, a contact sheet, and an exposure log that also explains each emotion or what the body is saying in each pose.
4.Written Exam:
You will be responsible for all of the information in the notes and hand outs you have received since September 10th. It will be multiple choice and feature lots of vocabulary. Review your notes!

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