Monday, February 5, 2007

Field Trip?!?!?!
Who wants to go??

A.R.T. News - February, 2007

-A.R.T. Painting of the Month
-A.R.T. Open House/Painting Sale

A.R.T . Painting of the Month
We first met and began to work with Rafael years ago. He
was a young kid back then, hesitant to cut loose his full creative
power. But don't worry, this was not to last long. Rafael, who lived
in the colorful noisy barrio of Trenton, New Jersey, was to drive his
first portraiture all the way to a feature color photo in the New York
Times. Titled 'The Face of My Man', it was a portrait of A.R.T.'s
director, Rafael insisting Tim sit close so he could study his face.
"You know you got wrinkles round your eyes?" the artist asked.
"I do?"
"Yeah, you do. But don't worry;" Rafael said
reassuringly, "I'll put them in later."
Rafael is the figure spinning on the cover of the book
about A.R.T., 'Flying Colors', his little brother Jesus exclaiming,
"You made him look like a tornado!"
Some of Rafael's works have created controversy. The
real world subject matter Rafael chose to engage is apparently thought
by some to be inappropriate for a young man under their care during
the day. This controversy, as with controversies swirling around
certain artworks throughout history, was serious enough to have A.R.T.
booted from Rafael's school. The program collapsed and A.R.T. lost
contact with the fantastically talented kids there.
Then, with our alliance with Princeton University we were
able to create an independent program, which Rafael came to with
boldness, taking the bus on his own from Trenton.
At our Princeton studio program Rafael created 'Scarface',
the face part slowly becoming that of the artist, recognizable by all
that saw the canvas.
Star of the last show at Gallery, a collector
offered a large sum for 'Scarface,' if Rafael would change the
cocktail that Scarface holds, to a non-alcoholic beverage.
"No way," the artist is quoted as saying in response to
such a deal. He passed on close to $1000. Real artists do not
compromise their vision.
All turned out well in that the head of Palmer Square
Inc., David Newton, purchased the piece.
A.R.T. is currently very close to closing a deal with
Rafael's school so that the program can return to establish another
exciting studio program – though no one knows what controversial
incidents Rafael may cause!
You can see the difference between Art and recreational
art. Art has the power to shake things up. This is Rafael and this
is A.R.T.

A.R.T. Open House/Painting Sale
A.R.T. will hold an open house in Princeton on Saturday, February 24
from 4-10 pm. Held at the home of one of A.R.T.'s longtime
supporters, Arlene Opatut, the open house will showcase some of the
hundreds of dynamic paintings from A.R.T.'s extensive collection.
Wine and refreshments will be served. As always, all proceeds from
the sale directly benefit A.R.T. and the artists in the program.
If you'd like to attend, please RSVP to this address for further
information. We look forward to seeing you there!
To view a portion of A.R.T.'s collection, visit our web gallery at:

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