Friday, December 1, 2006

sketchbook assignments #4

junior portfolio

sketchbook #4

due: monday, december 11th

  1. cut out a piece of newspaper the exact size of a page in your sketchbook. wrinkle it, fold it, if you wish. carefully paste it into your sketchbook. use charcoal, india ink, or black watercolor to create a drawing of something (hand, portrait, object, kitchen utensils, whatever) from direct observation.

  2. use a soft drawing or charcoal pencil (2B, 4B or softer) to create a medium-light value on your entire piece of paper. use your finger or a soft tissue to help you blend your medium to create a soft, even value. choose something to draw, from direct observation. then use an eraser to begin to outline the highlighted areas. use your original medium to add darker values where needed.

  3. set up a “landscape” using fabric (mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, etc) and small everyday objects (houses, cities, people, trees, etc). zoom in and draw the most interesting part of your landscape. try adding color.

  4. draw a portrait of someone (you, family member, friend) with the light source being the sunlight coming in through mini-blinds or a lace curtain. pay attention to the subtleties in the light source as it changes and bends over the features of the face.

  5. draw a sink full of dirty dishes. or the clean ones in the dishwasher or dishrack. this one might be intersting if done as a blind contour. try adding color.



sketchbook #4

due: monday, december 11th

  1. draw a sink full of dirty dishes. or the clean ones in the dishwasher or dishrack. this one might be intersting if done as a blind contour. try adding color.

  2. set up a still life of things you find in the kitchen (spoons, spatulas, whisks, shiny pots and pans, etc). draw it using pencil, a value scale of 1-10. pay attention to details, reflections, etc.

  3. the view from your window. draw it using pencil, a value scale of 1-10, and pay attention to details.

  4. sit in front of a mirror. draw a blind contour self portrait. do not lift up the pencil, do not look at your paper. stare at every detail of every feature of your face. do not move your pencil until you are absolutely positive of where the line is going.

  5. stay in front of the mirror. now draw a self portrait using pencil and a value scale of 1-10, but this time you can look at the paper.


design fundamentals

sketchbook #4

due: monday, december 13th

  1. set up a small still life. use a desk lamp or other light source to light it from behind. draw it, use values to accurately portray the direction of the light source.

  2. use the same set up as in #1, but this time move the light source to the side so that it is being lit dramatically from one side. draw it, use values to accurately portray the direction of the light source.

  3. set up another still life of 3 different objects with 3 very different textures. use value to imply the form of the objects, as well as the textures.

  4. collect a bunch of items with very different textures. scraps of fabric, lace, burlap, etc, different types of paper or cardboard, wood, sea shells, sand paper, sand, dried beans or grains, diferent kinds of plastic, packages, etc. dont bring in anything valuable! Most of the items you bring in should be scavenged from the trash or recycling. put it all in a bag or box with your name on it.

    (this part counts as 2 sketches, so 20 points)

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