Junior Portfolio
Sketchbook Assignment #3
Due: Dec. 4, 2006
Please put the week, the assignment, and the date in the lower right hand corner of each of your pages. It should look like this Week 3 #1 12-4-06.
1. Complete a blind contour drawing of an architectural element that fills up an entire page. Divide your page in half. On one half fill in the negative space with black (try marker, India ink, highly concentrated watercolor) and leave the positive space white. On the other half, do the inverse and fill in the positive space with black.
2. Draw a close view of a bike, tricycle, motorcycle, or an exercise bike with a close attention to detail. It should go off three sides of the page. Shade it with a full range of value. Try using a charcoal pencil for this one.
3. Draw an organic subject matter (person, animal, landscape, plant, something natural) by using only straight lines.
4. and 5. Choose two of the following subjects:
-Why are people afraid to visit cemeteries at night? Draw it.
-Draw a city on another planet.
-Draw a picture of yourself the way you will look 20 years from now.
-Draw a construction site.
-Free assignment – anything you would like!
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